Dr Philippa GROVES
Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr Philippa Groves was a Consultant Anaesthetist at King’s College Hospital, London from 1996-2020. She now practises anaesthesia purely in the private sector in Central London. She has practising privileges and works regularly at several of the major private hospitals including The Portland Hospital, King Edward VII Hospital, the Princess Grace Hospital and The London Clinic.
Dr Groves qualified in medicine from Guy’s Hospital, London and trained in anaesthesia at St Bartholomew’s and Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals. She also worked at The Beth Israel Hospital, Boston USA for 3 years. She has previously been Lead Obstetric anaesthetist, Head of the Anaesthetic Department and Chair of the Consultants’ Committee at King’s College Hospital.
Dr Groves has a long and wide experience of anaesthesia for many types of surgery which include obstetrics and gynaecology, urology, general surgery, orthopaedics, and plastic surgery. She is particularly skilled in spinal and regional anaesthesia and performs these techniques many times each week.
She particularly prides herself in helping patients through planned caesarean sections as safely and as comfortably as possible, to optimise recovery and the ability to care for a newborn baby. This is something she has been doing successfully for many years.
Equally, she has a vast experience of anaesthetising patients for robotic surgery and has successfully helped many patients safely and comfortably through radical prostatectomy surgery, putting them on the road to recovery and the recommencement of normal life.
She also has a special interest in anaesthesia for day case surgery, understanding the need for meticulous attention to details of a patient’s care and analgesia to facilitate a swift recovery and a timely discharge home.